Wandered through Glasgow's George square which a few years ago was transformed from a lush green centre square with flourishing trees and plants and, at the behest of our loony council, into a big red asphalt covered monstrosity which would be better suited as a helicopter landing pad.
Strangely the only bit of greenery the councillors did leave was the part immediately opposite their own city chambers, presumably so that at least their view wasn't ruined.
Ironically Glasgow was historically known as "The dear green place", unfortunately for us the councillors understanding of Glaswegian history was summed nicely when one was asked to name a famous Glaswegian and could only come up with Wheech McGee, an ancient fictional character from the Evening Times.
I ended up in Borders Bookstore and took advantage of an open window to get a nice shot of the shoppers walking through Gordon Street.

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