Sunday, 14 September 2008

It's Local You Know

I used to think the shop sign that said "Open 7 days a week, including Sundays" was the most dumb ass sign I'd ever seen. I mean since when did we have an eight day week or a seven day week that didn't have a Sunday in it?

But the sign I saw while driving on the way to RAF Leuchars for the airshow has to take the prize award for stating the blooming obvious.

"Pick your own locally produced strawberries".

Now I'm no gardener but I'm pretty sure that any type of crop where you have to pull it out of the ground or pick it off a bush by yourself that's growing in the same place you happen to be standing can ONLY be local.

Unless there's some strawberry growers out there that think "I know, i'll import 5 tonnes of fruit from Spain, sellotape it onto some bushes and put up a sign saying pick your own internationally produced fruit".

Is that not what most people call Morrisons?

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