Thursday 20 September 2007

Emergency stop button proves fatal

Can someone kindly explain to me the point of an emergency stop button on a subway train please.

If for instance a fire was to break out on one the last place on earth I would want it to stop is in the middle of a long, dark and narrow tunnel miles from anywhere.

Likewise if some poor sod was to drop to the floor with a heart attack I'd want to get to the nearest platform as QUICKLY as possible not stop miles away from one.

Picture the scene...."Oh, whats that madam, you're having a heart attack?..... quick stop the train in the middle of this tunnel and we'll wait for the ambulance crew to climb down in the darkness with their torches to save you" !!

Surely it would make more sense to have an emergency "Go faster ya bastard and get me to the nearest platform pronto" button?

1 comment:

Jayne d'Arcy said...

I quite agree. Especially after I read the chapter in my book (Relicquary by Preston & Childs) that had a subway attacked by mutated cannibals. Of course, someone on that train hit the emergency stop button.

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