Friday 31 August 2007

Glasgow Litter Wardens

Today I witnessed visible proof that Glasgow litter wardens are not in the least bit interested in making the streets of our fair city cleaner but are merely there to surreptitiously raise revenue for some other council hair-brained idea.

While standing in Argyle street I watched two of these SWAT wannabees obviously hiding behind a couple of public telephone boxes spying on a poor woman struggling to contain one of her children while feeding the other a sandwich. In the melee she, clearly for everyone else to see, unknowingly dropped part of the sandwich wrapper.

In a blinding flash the two SAS (Seriously Anal Saddo) wardens emerged from their den and pounced on the poor woman resplendent in their full body armour.

One of them, clearly wishing he had an assault rifle instead of a ticket book, stood chewing his mandatory tough-cop chewing gum, holding his thumbs in his invisible trouser braces and provided assault cover for his partner who lent a deaf ear to the innocent pleadings of their target and dished out a £50 fine much to the disgust of everyone in the street who had witnessed the clandestine operation.

No doubt while all this was happening a thug was probably beating up an old man safe in the knowledge that all they will get if caught is a £30 pound fine.

I bet those trash-troopers wouldn't be as quick to assist a helpless victim of a mugging as they were to come to the rescue of a sandwich wrapper.

A Glasgow Litter Warden ready to take on a Werthers Original sweet wrapper

1 comment:

Jayne d'Arcy said...

Sounds like they may be kin to our Spokane, WA garbage... whoops... Sanitation Dept. We get fined to death. If our garbage can is the wrong one - a fine, if it's too far from the curb - a fine, if it's too full - a fine, if the wrong type of garbage is put in the wrong bin at the wrong time of year - a fine. Even whole neighborhoods can get fined on a whim.

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