Saturday 29 September 2007

Glasgow pirate stallholders move to Bangkok

There's a weekend market in Glasgow called "The Barras" which although years ago was a thriving and popular market is now nothing more than a focal point for the selling of everything fake including DVD's, CD's, and all manner of clothing and fashion labels.

Under the constant barrage of police activity the stallholders developed a knack of being able to disappear without a trace and reappear as if nothing had ever happened. However it's been a losing battle for the stallholders and in an apparent attempt to sell their covert operating skills many have now moved to the market places of Bangkok to impart their knowledge to the locals for a small fee.

Here we can see the amazing skills these Barras stallholders have managed to teach their fellow Bangkok traders including how to hide from and avoid, of all things, freight trains....

1 comment:

Jayne d'Arcy said...

Wow! That video is unbelievable. They're so calm and orderly as they move back into place.

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