Sunday 9 March 2008

Just how long do you hold


You're walking into a shopping centre, push open the door, walk through and look behind you. Someone is just 5 steps behind so you hold the door open for them.

You're walking into a shopping centre, push open the door, walk through and look behind you. Someone is just 10 steps behind so you hold the door open for them.

You're walking into a shopping centre, push open the door, walk through and look behind you. Someone is 20 steps behind so you pause for a second and wonder "should I hold the door open for them".

So is there a universally agreed distance where it is NOT considered impolite to NOT hold the door open for someone or is there a door-distance-gender-age ratio where you have to, within a millisecond, calculate that if the person is aged A multiply that by the distance in meters away from the door B then divide AxB by Gender where Male=3 and Female=2. Then using a lookup table if the resulting score is....................... You see my problem.

And to make matters worse I feel guilty for letting a door go no matter how far away someone is but the resulting impracticalities of holding a door open ad-infinitum would be far to many to list here although my bladder requirements would be somewhere at the top of it.

Maybe being impolite has a lot going for it?

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